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List of modules available in SmartHRMS – Human Resources are as follows:

SmartHR11) Company Assets

Company Assets module is used to store inventory items issued to employee such as Security Pass, Uniform, handbook, Pen, notebook etc.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter records of company issued items to employee as well as to allow user to de-kit at the end of their employment if required. Administrator will be allowed to create new Item for user to select and apply.

2) Educational Information

Educational Information module is used to store educational details of employees.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter records of employee educational information such as year of achievement, discipline, country of educational centre, name of educational centre. Administrator will be allowed to create new educational centre information for user to select and apply.

3) National Service

National Service module varies from country to country. It is used to store country service information records solely for reference purpose if required.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter National Service (military) record of Employees if required. No administrator features is required for the following module.

4) Disciplinary Records

Disciplinary Records module is used to allow user to store all employee disciplinary records such as Jail record, Insubordination, fighting, etc.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter all disciplinary records for reference in the event there’s a need for an immediate employee termination.

5) Family Records

Family records module is used to allow user to store all employee family/siblings records. The following module is also used to determine if an employee is entitled to childcare leave based on the employee’s youngest child age.

The main purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter employee family/NOK information for reference and record purpose.

6) Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits module is used for employee to process employee entitlement claim such as Dental, Medical, IT Purchase, etc. It is kept in SmartHRMS as a form of monthly allowance and it can be limited by budget.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter employee benefits records such as new entitlement items and employee benefits claim information as and when required. Company policy is govern by HR personnel and claim is made case by case basis.

Please take note that the amount (budget) allocated will be configure to reset daily, monthly or yearly.

7) Personal Qualification & Achievements

Personal achievement module is used to store all employee additional awards received during the course of employment for either country or company contribution.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter employee skill information for record and reference purpose.

8) Accident Records

Accident records module is used to store employee accident details such as vehicle accident, fire outbreak, etc.

The purpose of the following features is to allow User to enter employee accidents details for investigation and reference purpose.